

Namespace: QConQuantifier

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Signature: reader:(type) -> lookUpF:(float<MeasureOne> -> float<MeasureOne> -> (type) list) -> calcIonSeries:((type) list -> (type)) -> qConQuantParams:QConQuantifierParams -> ms2s:(type) [] -> (type) list

Maps all fragment spectra (ms2s) and matches their spectra against in silico spectra. The insilico spectra are retrieved based on the precursor mzs of the ms2s, user supplied minimal and maximum charge states and user supplied search tolerance in ppm.
The algorithm used to compare theoretical and recorded spectra is the SEQUEST algorithm.

initCalcIonSeries qConQuantParams aal
Signature: qConQuantParams:QConQuantifierParams -> aal:(type) list -> (type)

Returns a function to perform a in silico fragmentation of any given aminoAcid list. The computed N- and C-terminal ion ladders are defined in qConQuantParams.

thresholdPSMs qConQuantParams psms
Signature: qConQuantParams:QConQuantifierParams -> psms:(type) list -> (type) list

Filters PSMs according to the PSMThresholding case definded in qConQuantParams.

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